Monday, December 30, 2019
Three Must-Have Career Skills for Small Business Owners
Three Must-Have Career Skills for Small Business OwnersThree Must-Have Career Skills for Small Business OwnersA recent Bentley University study found that 66 percentof millennials who responded want to start a business and 37 percent want to work for themselvesAs a self-employed millennial, Im not surprised by this number. I worked in the nonprofit world, the government world and the corporate world before finally setting on self-employment as the best job for me. However, without the skills I learned at each of these jobs, I doubt I would be as successful as I am today. If you have a dream of starting your own business, you dont have to jump in whole hog. Its much more realistic to position your career path to learn the skills youre going to need as a small business owner.Here are three must-have skills you need to practice to be a successful small business owner and the jobs you can take to get themDeep work ethicBusiness owners work hard year in and year out to make their business es successful. If you settle into your career as a 9 to 5 paper-pusher, you may not be challenging yourself enough to develop the strong work ethic you need to be successful on your own. Whether you take a generic entry-level position or a position related to your degree, give the job 100 percent of your attention and talent every day. Dig into the projects youre assigned and overdeliver on whats expected of you. That will help you build a habit of hard work that will pay off when you work for yourself. Clear communicationWhether you like them or not, small businesses run on people. Your clients are people, your employees are people and your business tafelgeschirr providers are people. Therefore, one of the most important skills to invest in is how to communicate clearly with a wide variety of people. Luckily, most entry-level jobs involve internal or external communication. Take every opportunity to practice your communication skills and get feedback on your performance. If you wan t to take a job specifically to hone your communication skills, project managementand administrative assistancemight be particularly helpful in developing communication skills youll need to find success in small business ownership.Thorough customer serviceThe high school version of customer service is to smile and be polite. However, a friendly demeanor isnt enough when you own your own business. Customer service must go deeper than your appearance to speak to your customers needs, fears, hopes and desires. Today you may have a position that doesnt directly involve an external customer, but you still serve someone. For example, the customer of the payroll department is the entire team of company employees. The customer for the engineering team is the product marketing team, whos waiting for the product to take steps to make it sales worthy. The customer of the marketing team is often the sales team.If you want to dive deep into developing these skills, there are many positions in th e business world that will allow you to tap into a deeper understanding of customer personas and buying journeys. Consider taking a job in salesor account management.Do you have a dream of starting your own business? Before you make the leap, make sure you have the skills youll need to be successful. Strategically position your career path to gain those skills, or find creative ways to develop them in the job you currently have.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
4 ways to stay afloat when holding down multiple jobs
4 ways to stay afloat when holding down multiple jobs4 ways to stay afloat when holding down multiple jobsThere are a handful of reasons why someone might have multiple jobs, with the need for extra cash or an outlet to express themselves through a side projecthigh up on the list.Either way, running back and forth between part-time positions and events can be a huge stressor. If this is your lifestyle, heres what to do to stay on top all your commitments.1. Know whats on the books this weekIts best to be crystal clear on whats in store so you can plan accordingly.In an article for The Muse, Avery Augustine writes that if you dont pay attention to when you have to work, as well as your social calendar, things you didnt see coming can sabotage your productivity.She continuesTo help keep your priorities straight (and your sanity intact), take a few moments over the weekend to think through your schedule for the week. For example, maybe theres a meeting or happy hour you want to attend o n Wednesday night, so youll need to shift the majority of your evening work to Monday and Tuesday.Augustine adds that planning things out will help you decide about last-minute obligations and say no if you have to, and that you will have the capacity to work mora efficiently and squeeze in fun.2. Get a handle on your moneyKeeping up with what youre making in more than one job takes attention to detail, but you can take specific measures to work toward fiscal stability.A Monster article mentions how financial discipline is extremely important when you work for yourself. The article then continues, featuring advice from Sara Horowitz, founder and executive director of the Freelancers Union.A rule of thumb is for every dollar you take in, 60 cents goes into your checking and 40 cents goes into savings to pay your taxes, she told Monster.You should also look into low-cost group health insurance plans in your state.3. Remember, different jobs = different skillsTake comfort in the idea t hat having multiple jobs means more opportunities to hone your various crafts.In a Huffington Post article, John Rampton writes that having positions of different natures is great. Since you arent repeating the same task at each one, you will have more energy, he writes.He continuesOne job will use a certain skill set and another job will use another. Even if you work both jobs in the same day, youll likely have much more energy than if you only did one job. Sometimes a melange of a physical job and a desk job is just the mix people need in order to work many hours in the day.4. Be clear on when youre free and when youre notOnly you know how much time you have, so if you dont want to give it all away, be strategic about your availability. In other words, you work hard, and dont let people gobble up all your time.In a Lifehacker article, Eric Ravenscraft replies to a reader who says that hes just graduated college and is working 60 to 70 hours weekly at various part-time positions. T he reader asks how to avoid getting burned out and crushing his potential for a steady job in the future.One of Ravenscrafts tips is to set boundaries and stick to them, writing about how both supervisors could want all of your time, so he has tochoose how much to dedicate to each.He later continuesWherever possible, decide your availability for one job and adapt the other around that schedule. Work one during a normal 9-5 shift and fill in the gaps with the other, or only do one on weekdays and save the other for weekends. If youre more of a freelancer, make sure each of your managers know your boundaries and stick to them. If you can, you should also set aside at least one day a week where you work neither job.Ravenscraft adds that setting aside time is crucial because it creates a middle of the week and an opportunity to tend to what you need to at home.Staying focused on your schedule, thinking about what youre gaining from each job, and taking ownership of your time and money a re key to thriving under the pressure of working multiple positions.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Simple Steps to Discover Your Personal Brand During a Job Search
Simple Steps to Discover Your Personal Brand During a Job SearchSimple Steps to Discover Your Personal Brand During a Job SearchDo you feel bombarded by the words personal brand? Do you back away from the conversation and look for the nearest exit? Or just sit there and think, um, well, Im not quite sureYou are not alone. Many people I encounter are flummoxed at the mention of personal branding when it comes to their careers. Why do you need a personal brand anyway? Cant you just have a career without being concerned with a brand? Well, its not really like that. Branding is figuring out who you are and what you offer. Companies find you based on your brand.So, what is a personal brand? How do you determine yours?Your personalbrandiswhatyoureknownforYour personal brand is deeply rooted in who you are, your passions, your expertise, and what value you bring to the company. It is what differentiates you from your peers.Companies want to hire you for the uniqueness you bring to the table . Not because you are the same as everyone else. Its your story and messaging about who you are professionally. It is uniquely you. Branding is figuring out who you are and what you offer.Erin KennedyWhen I talk with a client about defining their brand, I ask them a few questions to get a good feel for what their brand and expertise might be. Questions to determine your personal brandWhat are you known for at your company? When people talk about you, what do they say? What do they tell others to go to you for? For example Go to John for anything having to do with customer relationship building. His clients love him, or, Janet is an expert in enterprise software sales. She can answer any question about that brand, or, Mike can tell you in five minutes why that machine broke down. He knows them like the back of his hand. What is your very favorite part of your job? Where do you really shine? Where do you excel? What makes you passionate about your job? What value do you feel you bring to your company?Being honest with yourself when answering these questions is key and will help you determine your personal brand a lot quicker than if you try to be everything to everyone. So, get a pad of paper and departure jotting down keywords or phrases you hear when people talk about you. Personal branding is personal storytellingOne of the things I know I am known for, my brand, is executive resume writing. How do I know? Well, it began cultivating about fifteen years ago after five years of resume writing and slowly watching my keyboard and computer screen breathe life into dull and ineffective executive resumes. I was good at entry level and professional, yes, but executive level is where the magic happened. Capturing clients years of successes and experiences by creating a story that made people want to pause and read took hold. And then it snowballed. As I began to develop a fervor in that segment of writing, more and more clients referred colleagues to me. Boom Executiv e resume writing became my brand.Now, look at your own career and see where slowly your brand began to take shape. Do you see similarities between my story and yours? Can you tell where at some point you were given more responsibilities in a certain area? Do you see where your skills developed and you became successful in a given area? When you look back at your career and see your steady progression, its easy to spot where your brand has taken root, developed, and flourished over the years.Ihavethisgreatpersonalbrand.Nowwhat?So now you have this fantastic personal brand and may be thinking, Awesome. Now what? Now you need to put it to use in your job search. Here are a few ways to do thatRevamp your social mediaHead over to each of your social media profiles you use professionally and ensure your brand stands out. Create a new tagline or header in LinkedIn that focuses on your brand and the value you bring. If on Twitter, make sure all of your tweets showcase your expertise and bra nd. If you are using Facebook professionally, keep your posts focused on your projects and accomplishments that focus on your brand. The same goes with any other social media you are using to establish your expertise and dare I say- brand dominance. Keep it consistent and brand-focused. RelatedSocial Media Doesnt Cost People Jobs, People Cost People JobsUse your personal brand to expand your networkAs a huge fan of LinkedIn, it is my go-to for networking. Use your brand to reach out to other people who have similar roles. Its a great way to break the ice and get to know others in your industry. Offer insight to LinkedIn groups that are related to what you do. Engage with group members and add thoughtful answers.RelatedHow to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job A Great Profile is Not EnoughCreate a brand-focused web pageConsider starting a blog where you can demonstrate your expertise by showing off your projects, video clips, articles, and expertise. You can add this link to your LinkedIn pr ofile as well so recruiters, hiring managers, or readers can click on it to view more about what you offer. Dont be afraid to show off your accomplishments or projects you were involved in.Once youve established your personal brand, using it when searching for a new role will boost your chances of being found. Communicating your value and expertise will open doors and increase opportunities for you. Erin Kennedy, MCD, CMRW, CERW, CEMC, CPRW is a Certified Master Executive Resume Writer and the President of Professional Resume Services, Inc. (PRS), home to some of the best resume writers on the planet and voted Forbes Top 100 Career Websites. Erin is a nationally published contributor of16best-selling career books and has written thousands of career-related articles over the span of 20 years. She has been quoted in, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Mashable, and more.
Monday, December 16, 2019
5 signs your work stress is decreasing your quality of life
5 signs your work stress is decreasing your quality of life5 signs your work stress is decreasing your quality of lifeWere all susceptible towork stress. Even if youve got your dream gig, there will no doubt be times that youre stressing out about work. It happens to the best of us. But theres a difference between the occasional stressful project and an all-consuming position or organization.If you feel like you spend most of your life in the non-stop stress zone, it might be time to reassess what youre doing day to day or where youre doing it.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHere are some things to look out for1. You never have time to breathe.If you never have time to grabcoffee, eatlunchor even visit the restroom during the workday, chances are youre under too much stress. If every day is so action packed that you dont feel like its even possible to take care of your basic hum an needs, either youre a) not thinking clearly and probably overworked, or b) not in the right job. Whether we choose to address it or not, its a fact that were better employees, friends and humans in general when were taking care of ourselves. Drinking water, eating right and taking breaks are all crucial in order for us to perform at our best and not get completely caught up in tense workplace situations. The next time you find yourself thinking, I dont have time to visit the ladies room before my next meeting take a long hard look at yourself. Somethings gotta give.2. Its all you think about.When youre out to dinner with friends, at yoga class or walking the dog, thoughts of work are ever present. If your whole family can name everyone in your office and what their annoying quirks are, thats probably a sign that youre bringing it into your life outside of work a little too much. It might be time for a breather. Theres nothing wrong with caring about the work you do or wanting to do it well. But youre more than that. And if you spend all of your friend or family time talking work, I wouldnt be shocked if you found yourself with a little less friend and family time in general. No one wants to hear about your work non-stop - even those that love you Start slow. Work on yourlistening skills. Perhaps hearing some of what others are experiencing might even put your challenges in perspective3. You are constantly cranky.Or sick. Or both. Our bodies have a way of telling us were too stressed if were moving too fast to notice it ourselves. If you find youre really irritable, especially tired or always feeling lousy, this is something to pay close attention to. Its not a shock that so many of us end up sick after a big project. We used up all of our energy getting through it, and our bodies have had enough. When we attempt to live in that mode, our bodies are not having it. They will pull out all the stops to make us realize we need time off, a mindset shift or a car eer change. Pay attention to how youre feeling physically as well as emotionally. And get yourself to a doctor or on the right track with self-care pronto4. You get nothing done.No matter how hard you try, it landseems like youre never able to accomplish anything. Unending to-do lists, non-stop requests and constant interruptions prevent you from coming close to achieving what you need to on the day-to-day. That doesnt feel good to anyone. We all want that little hit of dopamine that comes with crossing something off of your list But when were overwhelmed and swimming in tasks, if often feels impossible to focus, and hinders your ability to make progredienz. Not to mention to be proud of the little progress that perhaps you are able to make. We all think were great multitaskers. Were not. Lets admit it already and move on. Get intentional about your schedule and notice what can happen when you really take time to focus.5. The scaries have moved beyond Sunday.Nothing breaks my heart more than hearing from someone who says their feelings ofanxietyabout their next work week start as early as Friday. Existing in a perpetual state of dread or panic about what the next work day will bring is no way to live. Were only on this planet for a short period of time. Over the course of our careers, we work a lot. And this mental state takes its toll in so many ways all of which were not yet even aware of. If this sounds like you, get the help you deserve. Talk to a therapist, take time off and do whatever you need to get yourself back to normal. You deserve to enjoy your lifeWhen were moving at lightning speeds, its difficult to notice not only whats going on around us, but within us. If any of the above resonate with you, take a step back. Reassess what matters most, and make adjustments in both big and small ways that will enhance your experience day to day. It could be as simple as taking some time off or adjusting your schedule to starting a job search. Change is scary. But so is spending your life in astressed outhaze unable to see whats what. Do the work to make change for yourself You deserve it.Kelly is ahuman resourcespro and coach who helps people find and achieve what they want career-wise and beyond. Coaching, training, recruiting if you name it in the world of HR, shes done it in a variety of industries. Her advice has been featured on The Muse, Career Contessa, Levo, Workology, among others. Learn more by scoping her out at version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside scoop on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from jngste im bunde Franklins daily schedu le that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Interview Answers for How Many Hours You Work
Interview Answers for How Many Hours You WorkInterview Answers for How Many Hours You WorkInterview questionsabout how much you work can be tricky becauseemployers ask this for a variety of reasons. Some employers may ask how many hours you work because they want to know that you manage your time effectively and complete your work efficiently.? Others want to know that you are willing to work long hours for the good of the company. At some companies, the norm is a 40-hour week and everyone goes home on time. But at some companies, everyone might toil for 50 or 60 hours per week without question. Be careful how you answer these questions because every employer is looking for something slightly different in your response. How to Answer Questions About Work Hours Think carefully before you reply about how many hours per week you work. While you dont want to be construed as a slacker, neither you want to come across as a workaholic, or for that matter, someone who cannot schliff task s in a reasonable amount of time. Plus, it can be hard to know if your interviewer is looking for an answer that demonstrates your efficiency or one that shows youre willing to work well over the standard 40-hour work week. In fact, if you interview with several people in a company, each of them might have a different perspective on what they want to hear in response to this question. Your safest bet, therefore, is to avoid stating a specific number of hours unless the interviewer insists. Instead, speak more generally about the way you typically complete your work. This gives you some leeway in your answer and allows you to play up some of your strengths, like your efficiency, time management, or persistence. Before your interview, learn something about the company culture. If the business clearly values people who work only the required number of hours, emphasize your organizational and time management skills that enable you to complete tasks on time. If you know the company requi res employees to work long hours, emphasize your flexibility and willingness to work extra hours to complete major projects. But unless youre absolutely sure aboutthecompany cultureand expectations, the safest answer is to state that you work as much as necessary to get the job done. Your response will demonstrate that youre willing to work hard without committing to an exact number of hours per week. What to Avoid in Your Response As seen above, you should try not to pin yourself down to a specific number of hours. But thats not all you want to avoid in your answer. Skip negative comments about working overtime, since long hours may be typical at the company. However, if you are unable or unwilling to work certain hours - past sunset on Fridays for religious reasons, for instance - now is a good time to make that clear. Avoid any response that could make it sound like you work inefficiently (e.g., Since Im slow to get started in the morning, I usually wind up having to stay l ate once everyone else has left the office.).Make sure your response doesnt make you seem lazy or imply that people who work short hours are lazy. Examples of the Best Answers I have always been able to create and maintain an efficient work schedule that allows me to work on the same number of hours per week. Of course, when I am working on a particularly important or difficult project, I am happy to occasionally increase those hours to produce my best work.While I know this job requires me to work a set number of hours every week, I am always willing to come in early or stay late to help complete a task. While I work efficiently, I will go above and beyond when my colleagues need me. Im committed to working with the team, so Im willing to pitch in extra hours when my group is under the gun.Work-life balance is important to me, so I work extremely hard on weekdays so that I can complete my duties and focus on my family on the weekends. I will certainly come in on occasional week ends whenever needed, but I think my time management skills will make that the exception rather than the rule.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Dos and Donts of Resume Layouts
The Dos and Donts of Resume Layouts Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. What resume section to improve your resume depend on both the sort of resume and the work position. Selecting a resume template or layout from a particular industry or field is a means to discover keywords and phrases which are fruchtwein relevant to your line of workincreasing the odds of a hiring manager or employer to observe your submission. Dont forget an effective resume layout is essential to highlight your qualifications, rather than being an end in itself. Based on the business or position youre applying for, it may require that you bring some personality. A photo is an excellent method of breaking the ice by means of your resumeeven if youre not physically there, your employer will have the ability to evaluate your glowing personality When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resu me template you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. A job seeker who wants to benefit from the many different resume layouts readily available, needs to be mindful of when and how to use the many possibilities, in order to acquire the fruchtwein impact from their resume. Legible text and fontarguably the most essential portion of your resume is your prospective employers capacity to read it Based on your profession, additional sections will be different. You use your finest skills that are related to the job as subheadings. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for numerous explanations. Things You Should Know About Resume Layouts Utilizing color may be a good concept, but remember that should you submit your resume by email or on the internet, it will likely be printed using black ink. Consistency makes for an easier read and enables the reader locate the info on your resume. Resume Layouts Features Show employers that youre updated and create an excellent first impression by selecting the most suitable template. When you begin with a creative resume template, you merely have to drop in your details to rapidly finish the procedure. You are able to also see Resume Templates. Utilizing a resume template saves you a good deal of time. You dont have to go back past 10 decades, generally. For your objective statement to do its job properly, it has to clearly state just the sort of job that you want, your experience fits the job requirements perfectly and what it is that youre prepared to bring to the table thatll be of advantage to the company concerned. All you need to do is list the skills you have that also appear in the work offer. Everyone hopes to put on an opportunity to impress potential new employer at a job interview, but theres no denying that interviews can be quite stressful The info can be organized in a variety of positions on the page to make interest, but the resume should all ow it to be effortless for hiring managers to discover the information that they need by creating your skills the most prominent. The plan of your resume offers the wonderful chance to demonstrate your abilities and creativity in connection with your field and the job which you are applying for. Therefore, the significance of a well planned and a well laid out resume is necessary for you in case you wish to grab the job which you want. Regardless of the different designs readily available, a resume layout should contain the identical basic info. Its possible to also see resume template. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and a little style. Top resume builders arrive equipped with various features that makes resume writing seem effortless. Make certain to have your CV professionally printed and expertly trimmed to make the the majority of the border design. As previously mentioned, you wish to select a resume format thats suited to your personal profile.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Setting Office Guidelines for April Fools Day - Spark Hire
Setting Office Guidelines for April Fools Day - Spark HireOffice pranks can be a lot of fun. As Michael said, in an episode of The Office, The thing about a practical joke is that you have to know when to start as well as when to stop. That episode, when Dwight finds that Jim has encased his stapler in jello is one that really gets you wondering what pranks your employees will think of for April Fools Day.In order to maintain a productive environment, but still encourage fun, you should platzset some office guidelines ahead of time so that your employees know what to expect. In Lance Hauns article on HRPeople, Guidelines for April Fools Day at the Office, Lance points out several key things that you should bring to the attention of your employees. Most of these items seem like common sense, but quite often people do not stop to think about these things before setting a prank into motion.The golden ruleLance brings attention to the simple fact of if you wouldnt want someone to do it t o you, then do not do it to someone else. This is just a common curtesy, which should be thought of at all times in the office.Dishing it out when you cant take itThis rule falls in line with the first one. If you cant be a good sport and handle being pranked, then you should not be pranking others. I have worked with someone before who loved the thrill of pranking co-workers, whether it welches April Fools or not. However, when someone finally turned the tables and cleverly loosened a screw in the pranksters desk chair, Mr. Prankster did not find it humorous when he had to pick himself up off the floor.Dont go overboardThere is nothing more cruel than telling co-workers that a loved one has died, or there has been a fatal accident and then shouting in their face, April Fools Never EVER joke about serious matters. This relates back to the golden rule. You wouldnt want someone to joke about these things to you.April Fools Day can be a fun day in the office. Make sure that your employ ees understand that fun and laughter is welcome, but that everyone is still there to do a job. As long as work is completed accurately and production does not suffer, there is no reason why fun cannot be had on April Fools Day.What office guidelines do you have in distribution policy for April Fools Day? Please share your tips and suggestions in the comments belowImageAispl/
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Employee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR Trends
Employee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR TrendsEmployee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR TrendsEmployee Engagement Tops the List of 2017 HR Trends ConlanAfter a big hiring year in 2016, many HR managers say they are turning their attention to employee retention. The reason all that recruiting work is wasted if the employees dont stick around.Employee engagement will play a big role in the HR realm in 2017, says Brad Stultz, human resources director at Totally Promotional, which custom prints promotional products in Coldwater, Ohio. With record low unemployment rates continuing across the country, employees find themselves in a position to change career paths on a whim.To that end, here are the 2017 HR trends that HR managers envision.Continuing Evolution of HR AnalyticsLooking ahead, technology will play a central role in helping employers make decisions both in the shortand long term. We will continue to landsee an incremental shift to using sophisticated analytics to build H R strategy to benefit both the larger workforce and prioritize workforce development investments. Jewell Parkinson, head of human resources at SAP North America, Newtown Square, PennsylvaniaContinued Growth of Flexible SchedulesFlexible scheduling has been rising in popularity across all age ranges and I believe that in 2017 businesses will fully embrace it as a work perk. We offer all of our employees (Millennials in particular) flex scheduling and find that there are no downsides to this offering. We trust them to get their work done, and because of that relationship, they always get everything done and done well. Dana Case, director of operations at MyCorporation, Calabasas, CaliforniaIncreased Use of Benefits for RetentionAn HR manager should closely review their benefits offerings to ensure they are in league with comparable competitors. The Millennial worker is drawn to the ancillary benefits that an employer may offer. Brad Stultz, human resources director, Totally Promotiona l, Coldwater, OhioIncreased Communication of Mission and CultureBranding the employer culture from the start is the best way to recruit and retain top talent in a competitive global landscape. As Millennials shape the workforce, traditional items like bonuses and other perks dont matter as much as fitting in with the employer culture and sharing a common vision. Your company must focus on their unique culture and deliberately shape it to stay relevant to top talent. Laura Platt, director of human resources for Spreadshirt U.S., BostonBetter Education about Total RewardsWe have lots of long-term employees, and lots who are eligible to retire. We want to keep people who could be their replacements in the pipeline. Weve been focusing on a total rewards approach and working hard to educate employees about things we offer, such as pension, tuition reimbursement to help them gain skills and knowledge to grow in their career and wellness initiatives. Mary Faulkner, head of talent, public s ector water utilityMore Transparent CommunicationI think in 2017 were going to see a focus on having employees feel their voices are being heard. Town-hall-style meetings, fireside CEO chats and skip-level meetings will give employees ample chances to get their ideas pitched. This will make employees feel valued regardless of position or seniority.Keeping information communicated properly, including financials, will create a trust among employees and ownership, which will boost retention. For most companies, the days of high-level board room secrets are over. Those companies who demonstrate transparency will have high employee retention rates. Greg Kuchcik, human resources director, Zeeto, San DiegoIncreased Investment in DevelopmentEmployers will retain recent new hires by increasing the investment in development activities. fruchtwein employees want to stay with a company for many years, but will move if they dont believe the company is truly invested in their future. Unfortunatel y, some companies reduce their investment in learning and staff development as turnover rates rise, but it may be necessary to take the opposite approach to increase employee retention. Michele McDermott, senior vice president of human resources, Assurance, Schaumburg, Illinois
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Fees in Leasing
Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Fees in LeasingCommon Area Maintenance (CAM) Fees in LeasingWhen you lease commercial space, you pay for mora than just the actual square footage you will occupy. In many commercial leases, and in particular retail and industrial space leases, extra fees are often referred to as Common Area Maintenance (CAM) fees. In non-industrial spaces, you may hear this expense referred to as Load Factor, which includes CAM fees. CAM expenses are allocated to tenants on a pro-rata basisthe moresquarefootagea tenant rents, the greater percentage of CAM expenses it must pay. There are two basic calculations for CAM fees variable CAM fees, where the amount a tenant is required to contribute increases based on a number of factors, and flat CAM fees, where the fees are a fixed amount. CAM fees may be paid monthly, quarterly, annually, or even charged from time to time when major repairs to the building or the entire business/industrial park are required. CAM fees can esca late at a different rate than the monthly lease rate because they tend to be more variable. As a result, it is important that your lease spells out the difference between variable and fixed CAM fees and includes some sort of cap, or make it clear the maximum your CAM fees can be increased each year. This rate of increase should be a separate consideration from how much your basic rent increases each year. Definitions Narrow and Misleading Many online definitions of CAM fees define them as fees for a tenant sharing a portion of the direct costs of maintaining very specific common areas. These oversimplified definitions are notlage entirely accurate, and a landlord may include many indirect costs as CAM fees that are not so obvious. This practice has been hotly debated among industry professionals as to whether or not this is ethical, or even legal. In short, you should never sign a lease without understanding what CAM fees cover in your unique commercial lease. The Purpose Bo th CAM and Load Factor fees serve the same basic purpose to require tenants to help cover the landlords direct expenses for common areas. Common areas can include both internal (hallways, elevators, lobbies, public bathrooms, etc.) and external expenses (parking lots, landscaped areas, etc.). List exactly what your CAM fees will cover in the lease, how often they are to be paid, and how much they can be increased each year. If you will be required to help with the cost of major renovations like parking lot repaving or any type of structural repairs, get it in writing. The landlord should list when behauptung repairs were last made and when they are scheduled or anticipated to be done in the future. Not all landlords will require tenants to help with expenses like roofing, parking lot maintenance, and structural repairs. There really is no standard that applies to leases, so do not rely on simply seeing CAM fees in your lease besure CAMfees are explained. A landlord may include a wid e range of expenses simply listed as CAM Fees or Administrative Fees on the premise that these are expenses the landlord pays for the benefit of all tenants. If CAM fees are not clearly listed or explained in a lease, be sure to specifically ask if you are paying for any of the following Security systems or salaries or other costs associated with onsite security personnelPermits, taxes, insurance, or any legal costsAdvertising, signs, orother general overhead expensesincurred by the landlord for operating or promoting the building (i.e., salaries or benefits for on-site or even off-site employees)Repair and renovations of the maintenance of the property, including landscaping additions or redesigns, exterior painting, exterior or parking lot lighting fixtures, paving or resurfacing, roofing, or repairs and upgrades to central plumbing, electrical, sewer, and HVAC systems Utilities, rent, or any other costs of maintainingseparate vermietung office spaceseither on- or off-site Unde rstandExactlyWhat CAM Fees Are Listed in Your Commercial Lease Here is a cautionary tale to take note of. In 1989, a professional rentedindustrial spaceto open a craft consignment and hobby store. The park appeared to be in good condition, and the landlord was a friend of the renters family and cut the rent by a third as a courtesy. Since this was thefirst industrial leasethe renter had signed, they did not fully appreciate the power of CAM fees. In other words, they signed a binding legal document without a clue as to what they were signing. They did not know what a Triple Net Lease was, only that they should avoid signing one. ATriple Net Leaseis the least favorable of all leases for tenants it requires you to pay for maintenance, taxes, and insurance. When the renter asked the landlord what type of lease they were about to sign, the landlord never mentioned the term Triple Net. Instead, the landlord told the renter that their lease included CAM and administrative fees. What they did not realize at the time was that the administrative fees included taxes, insurance, and a whole host of other very expensive costs. Only one month into the lease, the park owner began extensive park renovations, including redesigning the front units to appear more like retail space. Signs were changed, the building was repainted, and some structural changes were made to the front of the industrial park. The bill was divided among all tenants, and although the renter had a very small unit, they were stuck with a $5,000 bill- their portion of the park upgrades, even though their unit was on the side and in no way benefited directly from any of the improvements. Other tenants were hit with nearly $20,000 in renovation fees. Had the renter read the lease more carefully, they would have known enough to at least ask if any upgrades were scheduled in the near future and to see that what they thought was asimple lease was actually a Triple Net Lease in disguise.
How to Write Reprimand Letters for Employee Performance
How to Write Reprimand Letters for Employee PerformanceHow to Write Reprimand Letters for Employee PerformanceLetters of reprimand are letters written by the supervisor to provide an official statement of a wertmiger zuwachs problem that an employee must improve. Letters of reprimand are often a step in the formal disciplinary action process that can result in additional disciplinary action for the employee up to and including employment termination if the employee fails to improve. Letters of reprimand are a significant component in the documentation of an employee wertmiger zuwachs problem for the employee and the employer. Written letters of reprimand clearly and specifically state the performance that must improve and the consequences if the performance does not improve. Letters of reprimand generally follow verbal coaching by a supervisor. They are frequently preceded by a verbal correction to the employee, called a verbal warning or formal verbal warning, about the performance issue or related performance problems. Components of Letters of Reprimand Effective letters of reprimand have these components. A clear statement of the problem or the performance issue that the employee must improve.The reprimand letter might enumerate several examples of ways in which the employee can change his or her performance to comply with performance expectations. (This provides the employee with a shared picture or shared meaning around the supervisors expectations.)The impact of the non-performance on the employees and the organizations success. (How the failure to perform is having a negative impact in the workplace.) If relevant, a timeline within which the employees performance must improve.If relevant, a due date or end date at which time, the supervisor will re-evaluate the employees performance.A clear statement about the consequences an employee can expect if their performance fails to improve as described in the letter of reprimand.The signature of the supervi sor or the manager of the employee.The signature of the employee whose performance is the focus of the reprimand letter. The letter generally contains a statement that the employee signature represents that they have received the letter, not necessarily that they agree with its contents. An opportunity for the employee to object, in writing, to the contents of the reprimand letter. The employee may agree, disagree, express contrition, and so forth. Rebuttals written by the employee are attached to the original letters of reprimand. Following are two examples of formal letters of reprimand. Use them as you develop your reprimand letters. Sample Letter of Reprimand This is an example of a letter of reprimand. Download the letter of reprimand template (compatible with Google Docs and sie sagen es Online) or see below for more examples. deckblatt Letter Sample Letter of Reprimand 1 (Text Version) To Jeffery Jones From George Peterson Date September 1, 2018 Re Letter of Reprimand This is a formal letter of reprimand to notify you that your performance is not meeting expected levels of contribution. In your job as a technical expert for customer untersttzung, the job expectations were developed by the entire group of technical support experts and their manager. This means that they are the accepted voreingestellt for each technical support experts performance. You are failing to perform in the following ways. The number of customers that you serve in a week is 30% below the standard that the rest of the tech support experts are meeting.The degree of difficulty of the problems you choose to respond to is 40% below the standard that the rest of the staff are achieving.The length of time that customers spend on the phone with you exceeds the rest of the staff by 25%. As you can see, in the three most important performance measurements for your job, you are not succeeding. Your supervisor has spoken with you numerous times and you received additional training. Consequen tly, we believe that you are not willing to perform. This is adversely affecting the workload of the rest of the tech staff. We need to see an immediate improvement in all three areas of performance or additional disciplinary action up to and including employment termination will occur. We have faith that you can improve. We need to see immediate improvement. George Peterson, Supervisor Marian Demark, Human Resources Manager Cover Letter Sample Letter of Reprimand 2 (Text Version) To Linda Rodriguez From Mary Wilmont Date September 1, 2018 Re Letter of Reprimand The purpose of this letter of reprimand is to put you on notice formally that your attendance is adversely affecting your ability to complete your job. While salaried, exempt employees are not required to work specific hours, a forty hour work week is standard and expected. You have failed to show up for work at least one day a week since starting your new job and are working only thirty-two hours a week. Your manager has in formed you of the availability of FMLA time off for personal or family medical issues. He has also asked you if you need an accommodation so that you can effectively perform your job. He has suggested that you visit the Human Resources department to discuss these issues and your attendance. You have refused all three opportunities that we offered to help you improve this poor performance. The reality is that you cannot perform your job in less than forty hours. You are missing deadlines for your work assignments and your lateness is adversely affecting the work of your marketing department coworkers. They are missing their deadlines as a result of your failure to perform. Additionally, your unfinished work when assigned to your coworkers is putting their workloads into overload since they already have jobs that require forty hours of work a week. This is unfair and we will not tolerate these negative impacts on the workplace starting now. We need to see an immediate improvement in y our attendance or we will terminate your employment. This means that you must attend work five days a week. If you fail to attend work five days a week, you cannot meet the goals for which you have been employed. Our standard paid time off policies give you six paid sick days and two personal leave days that you must use over a year. You must apply for vacation days in advance. You have already used four of your sick days and all of your personal days with your current absences. We do not plan to give more time to you. This leaves you with only two sick days and your paid vacation time that you must request in advance. If you have an absence above your available paid time off, we will terminate your employment. We hope that you understand how close you are to losing your job. You will receive no more warnings. Regards, Mary Wilmont, Manager Thomas Credence, Human Resources Director See a sample acknowledgment of receiptfor guidance on how an employee receiving a reprimand has a righ t to respond. Did you enjoy this article? Youll want to sign up for the free HR newsletter now because you want to read all of the new articles as soon as they are available. Sample Letters of Reprimand Sample Letter of Reprimand Management IndiscretionWritten Reprimand Sample Attendance DisclaimerPlease note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and ?employment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.
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